Experiential Event | Heathrow Express Experiential Activation | iMP

Experiential Event for Heathrow Express

Experiential campaign for Heathrow Express travel.

Experiential event for Heathrow Express.

iMP designed and built an experiential installation for Heathrow Express at Christmas. We created a custom box-frame steel welded tree, snow covered mounds and festive decor for a 3 day event at Paddington Station in London.

Experiential event

Heathrow Express engaged us to create a Christmas experiential event at Paddington Station in London. The idea was to encourage travellers and customers to have their photos taken against the backdrop of our custom installation. As the activation was in December the theme was a snowy winter Christmas theme, with colour coordinated hanging chairs made to look like baubles hanging from a tree.

Experiential design & build

iMP created the entire Christmas installation and set using our in-house design and build team. From hand forming the snowy mounds in the workshop, to coating them in eco-friendly snow we hand made every aspect of the main event. The Christmas tree itself was made from welded steel tubes, wrapped in polystyrene, then moulded by hand. The coverings, glitter and lighting were all integrated into the set both pre-installation and on the day to create maximum effect. The colourways of the bauble chairs and hanging decoration matched the Heathrow Express brand guidelines.

Celebrity influencer

The infamous Gemma Collins (The GC) also made an appearance to officially dealer the installation open. Surrounded by our Christmas Elves the event was a huge success gathering millions of social media impressions, increasing Heathrow Express’ followers and engagement, and PR coverage.

Event data

  • London Paddington Station
  • 10x hours/ 7x days
  • 8x Christmas elves
  • 6900+ consumer engagements
  • 14,000+ consumer interactions
  • 660,000+ estimated visibility
  • 5000+ goody bags/ giveaways

iMP brand activation

If you’ve got an idea for a brand activation or experiential installation, get in touch. We help bring simple sketches to life from a quick concept to a fully worked up brand experience. Get in touch using the contact form.